Saturday, October 31, 2015

Apple released its second Android-app – BBC News

Apple has posted on Google Play, its second Android-app – Beats Pill + to control the eponymous wireless Bluetooth-in speaker, which was introduced earlier this month. The application allows, no tuning, connect to other portable speakers smartphone and connect it with another model Pill + to enhance the sound.

Many of the owners of Android-Apple gadgets novelty met negatively, with frank trolling in a review, putting it one point out of five possible. Some users have “complained” that can not be synchronized Pill + with pills, which they wrote the doctor (Pill translates to English as a tablet), and others have written that the application “does not treat my symptoms of the flu. What is this pill?”

Beats Pill + – is the second application the Apple Android-devices. His first program to compete with iOS platform Google i-maker released in September. Move to iOS is designed to facilitate the transition from the camp of one operating system to another, taking a photo and video messages, account information Google, contacts, calendars and bookmarks in the browser. By the end of the year, Apple plans to release another Android-program for cross-platform music service Apple Music.

It is possible that in the future Android-Apple apps will be released on a regular basis. In August, the company began looking for software engineers who need her help to “bring exciting new mobile products on the platform Android”.

We can assume that Apple intends to migrate to Android some of its popular services – for example, chat iMessage and Facetime, cards Apple Maps. Perhaps someday come to Android Browser Safari – one of the first programs that the company has released for Windows.

Manufacturer “iPhone” have not ruled out the appearance of their products to competing operating systems. In 2013, the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook said that his company “does not have any religious warnings about porting” iOS-applications on Android, but only “if it would make sense”.

Source: Beats Pill + (Google Play)


Google displays the Android OS market for computers and notebooks – Business Petersburg

Google plans to integrate Android and Chrome OS, and in 2017 to bring the new OS to the market of computers and laptops. Android in a few years the industry has absorbed the mobile device, and now Google is going to use it to oust position Windows. Technology, Apple, Microsoft

Google Chrome OS will unite and Android in one project, and already in 2017 a hybrid unified operating system will be available to users notebooks, writes The Wall Street Journal, citing its own sources. According to preliminary reports, Google plans to give a new name as the operating system, and a series of laptops Chromebook.

According to the plans of the corporation , Chrome OS will be the division of a separate part of the project Android. At the same time users of computers and notebooks on the new operating system will have access to applications from the Google Play Store, which is now available to owners of Chrome OS selectively.

According to sources the newspaper ” / span>, with the development of new operating system Google has made a bet on developers who will create a program of universal type, operating in different variants on all possible devices. And a similar approach, Microsoft demonstrated in October at the presentation of new gadgets based on Windows 10.

The new hybrid operating system , on a plan of the company, will be installed not only on smartphones, tablets, and on the set-top boxes, smart watches and, of course, on personal computers. According to analysts of the newspaper the head of the search engine Sundar Pichai, commenting on the merger of the corporation projects, “the future of mobile devices is in merger desktops.”

Chrome OS is


Workplace on Android – IT World

Workplace on the Android

| 31.10.2015

The necessary “iron»


Windows via the Android

When people talk about the workplace, usually involve a PC running Windows. This operating system does solve a huge range of challenges, however, first of all, she paid, and secondly, the devices based on it, as a rule, more expensive than on Android. And, as if realizing this, the green robot more boldly goes beyond mobile use.

Required “iron»

To begin, of course, with hardware. Immediately determine: we need a device running Android 4.0 or fresher, because it is the version Ice Cream Sandwich first adapted to work not only on cell phones.

Option 1 Monitor with built-in Android

Before us, in fact, a candy bar that can serve in monitor mode. For example, within the ViewSonic VSD220 installed dual-core Texas Instruments OMAP 4430, 1 GB RAM and 32 GB of permanent storage. Of course, there is a module Wi-Fi, but the main thing – Port Ethernet, which is for an office PC is a must. Keyboard, mouse and other peripherals can be connected to the USB-ports, or via Bluetooth. Pros solutions: the big screen, connect peripherals, the network port. Cons: hard to find on sale, and the selection is small.


Option 2. The so-called stick

Such devices (as on Windows, and on Android) market is full. Inserts it into the HDMI-port of the monitor, connect the power supply, mouse with Claudia – here’s a full-fledged workstation. On the one hand, sticks provide greater freedom of choice – can be connected to any monitor or TV to the appropriate port. On the other – the USB ports one, two and miscalculated, and the wired network interface no. As a consequence, it is necessary to use a USB-hub, or connect peripherals via Bluetooth. Basically, these devices offer noneym companies. Offhand call Tronsmart CX-919 and iPazzPort Mini Android PC.


Option 3 Tablet

Those who lack a ten screen, have the right to build a workplace and based on the tablet. Almost all the latest models support the use of USB On-The-Go: that is, the micro USB port, you can connect the adapter to the same USB-hub with which to make friends and the keyboard and mouse. Note that a separate connector for charging. If in the normal case it is more convenient to have everything done at micro USB, then, if you build desktop computer on the basis of the tablet is better that the power adapter has its own entrance.


Pros solutions – a built-in battery and the ability to take your PC with you at any time. Cons – small screen and limited ability to connect external devices. Note manufacturers have already started to make a docking station, which is firmly connected to the plate (for example, ASUS ZenPad 10). In fact, you get a notebook based on OS Android (but the decision comes cheap).


With the device determines, go to the nuances of working in an environment of mobile OS. Immediately, I note: it is much more convenient rodent and keyboard rather than a touch input. However, few people know the key combination, operating in Android, and a lot of them (see. Box), many in common with those used in Windows. Habituation of course necessary, but still less than the transition to Mack.

As for the software, then, in spite of thousands of apps in the Google Play, it must be recognized that serious programs for Android is almost not. But there is the official version of Microsoft Office, free of charge for the green robot. However, if desired, easily find other alternatives.

Windows via the Android

Because of the specialized software for Android cat laugh, you can go to the trick. Set in a company server on Windows, it To install the necessary software, distributed to each employee account and using their devices they are connected to him by RDP. The number of users supported depends on the power of the server and its operating system.

As you can see, if you think outside the box, as the workplace can accommodate different devices. If the programs required under the platform does not, then it is easy to get around the restriction.

Box. Keyboard shortcuts in OS Android

Win + Esc – home.

Ctrl + Esc – a context menu.

Esc – back.

Ctrl + Alt + Del – Restart.

Alt + Tab – switch between applications.

Ctrl + Space – change layouts.

Win + Space – search.

Ctrl + P – setting.

Ctrl + M – control of installed applications.

Win + E – write a letter.

Win + P – music player.

Win + A – Calculator.

Win + L – calendar.

Win + C – contacts.

Ctrl + W – choice of wallpaper.

Win + B – to open the browser.

Win + M – maps Google.

Author: Andrei Vinogradov

Tags: workplace, Android

Magazine IT Expert [Subscribe to the magazine]


Media: Android will be the system for computers and notebooks – Russian newspaper

Google intends to integrate the operating system Chrome OS platform Android, which, becoming the only addition to smartphones and tablets will be installed on laptops.

According to The Wall Street Journal citing sources familiar with the matter, the union of the company’s engineers have been working for about two years. According to the plans, a single Operating System will be presented in 2017, and the preliminary version can already come out in 2016.

The decision on the merger is supposed to be dictated by the low popularity of Chrome OS. While Android is installed on a billion-plus mobile devices, “Chromebook”, according to estimates of analytical agencies, account for less than 3 percent of the PC market.

According to experts, the translation on Android laptops even more expand user base platform, which today is already used in smartphones, tablets, “smart” watches, TVs and infotainment systems car.

desktop Android open PC owners access to the Play Market, which can benefit developers various applications.

JSINCUT1 / P & gt;

The line will be called Chromebook corresponding new OSes. Chrome OS will continue to exist as an operating system open source. Stopping her support company does not intend, however, to a greater extent will be recommended by the manufacturer to establish a unified platform for laptops.

The rumors of a merger Chrome OS and Android, is noted in the publication, we go for a long time. The signs of this were some personnel changes and the statements of representatives of the company, as well as the release of the tablet-transformer Pixel With running on Android. In addition, last year, users Chromebook, having the effect of low interest of developers a small selection of applications given access to some programs from Play Market.


Friday, October 30, 2015 Google Android and will combine Chrome OS – BBC News

According to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, in 2017 operating system for netbooks Chrome OS will be fully integrated c Android. According to rumors, work on this has been going on the past two years, and an official statement about the combination of operating systems can be expected as early as next year.

In fact, it means the end of Chrome OS. According to the publication, demand for the mobile operating system at times exceeds the interest in the “easy” Operating System for netbooks. Perhaps it was these statistics get Google to choose Android, and Chrome is not an operating system for tablets new Pixel. Previous models worked just on Chrome.

It is noteworthy that the novelty comes with a detachable keyboard that actually turns the tablet into a laptop. In many ways, the problem of Chrome OS was a very limited set of HTML5-browser applications. Their diversity has not helped even the ability to install Chrome on some Android-app. On the whole, it is clear that the main objective of unification of operating systems – to give users of netbooks and tablets access to a vast ecosystem of applications from the store Google Play.

By the way, Google has repeatedly experimented with the creation of operating systems for different types of devices. For example, in 2011, Google launched a separate branch of Android for tablets called Honeycomb. However, the proper development of this idea was not. The last update to Honeycomb was released in February 2014 and its main functions have been duplicated in the same for all mobile OSes Android 4.0.

In this light, it can be assumed that Google took a course to unify their systems. In addition, so come and key competitors. For example, Microsoft recently released Windows 10 – a single operating system for both desktop and for smartphones and tablets, and even game consoles. And the rumors that Apple will combine iOS and Mac, go to the first year.


At the forum “Open Innovation” was presented for the development of the Russian robotic warehouses.

The idea follows the development of the company KIVA Systems, Amazon acquired in 2012 for $ 775 million. It is based on the same robots are movers who independently move goods in a warehouse, is under the control of a special system. As planned by the Amazon, robots can replace humans in almost all warehouse chain, because unlike humans, they are reliable – do not forget, do not drop or confused. And with the increase in turnover of e-commerce, such robots become a necessity, because they increase the efficiency of warehouses, both in speed and in the spaciousness.

This year, Amazon has doubled the number of robots employed. From September this year, 13 warehouses of the company employs more than 30,000 automated loader.

“Such systems a bit, they can be counted on the fingers of two hands. Therefore, we are doing quite a unique design. It is, of course, complex. It is not Only about robots, it is about the logistics system. And it ends far beyond the robot. This RFID inventory systems, it is a very complex system, integrated in the warehouse, “- says Sergey Smirnov, the founder and CEO of” Smirnov Design “.

The exhibited Slide robots are highly maneuverable, they are able to move in any direction, and carry up to one and a half tons of cargo. The logistics industry is standard. Robots porters can carry goods from one point to another, with these points, as well as robots, it can be any number. The work of the next special automatic digging system.

“The system becomes effective, when we consider the efficiency of the warehouse. When we increase the storage density of 50-100 percent. When we reduce the human factor due to the fact that the robot does not make human errors. The robot can not put something there – peas instead of bananas. This is an advantage – we firmly keep and do not make mistakes, “- says Sergey Smirnov, the founder and CEO of” Smirnov Design “.

To move around the warehouse robot uses markup – optical (drawn on the floor) or induction (sewn into the floor magnetic strip). Finally, the robot can be guided with the help of RFID-tags. However, a robot loader almost think for themselves.

“They can report their status and carry out the orders of the system. Move along the route. If he say,” Stop! “He will stand. The only thing we are are working on a situation where in front of it there is an unexpected obstacle. For example, a man. Then he can stop and tell the system: “I got up, I have an extraordinary situation.” The system reconstructs the routes of other robots on the basis of stopping it. It’s such a difficult living multifactorial mechanism ” – says Sergey Smirnov, the founder and CEO of “Smirnov Design”.


Google Android and integrate Chrome – Dni.Ru

Google is going to take the unprecedented step of integrating the operating system Chrome OS platform Android. The resulting Operating System will be the only one that in addition to smart phones and tablets will be installed on laptops.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press / Britta Pedersen

Operating System Android and Chrome OS was initially demonstrated different approaches to working with software . The first was based on the classical principle, when most of the software installed on the device, while the second consisted mainly of web applications. Naturally, that Android has received an increasing spread of smartphones and tablets, and Chrome OS is mainly used for laptops.

According to The Wall Street Journal, over the union of the company’s engineers have been working for about two years. According to the plans single Operating System will be presented in 2017 , and its preliminary version can come out a year earlier.

For details on the “hybrid” of the US Internet giant is not disclosed, the report said only that the new operating system will have access to the service Google Play. As a kind of proof of the above, the American press quoted the head of Google Sundar Pichaya that while communicating with analysts last week revealed that “mobile devices as a kind eventually merge with what we now call the desktops” .

As market analysts, the decision on the merger of operating systems is dictated by the low popularity of Chrome OS. While, as Android set to more than a billion mobile devices “Chromebook” occupy less than 3% of the PC market. Translation for Android laptops even more expand the user base of the platform, which is already used in smartphones, tablets, “smart” watches and televisions. In addition, the Android desktop PC owners will open access to the Play Market, which can benefit developers of various applications.

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Google will take Android on a computer? – Mail.Ru

As the WSJ, Google is going to have in 2017 to release a new, unified operating system for mobile and desktop computers – Android, which will incorporate the Chrome OS. According to sources, The Verge, such plans in the company really is, and demonstration of a new product (its earlier version) is planned for the Google I / O 2016.

As explained informants, the search giant plans to work with the computer to those produced notebooks with Android. One of the main features of the new OS will be the emergence of Google Play Store on your PC. Now developing Chromebook (laptops with Chrome OS) will be renamed to more accurately match the name of the new operating system.

A wave of rumors turned out to be powerful – Google responded to the information explaining that by Chome OS no plans to give up. The newly appointed head of the directions Android and Chrome Hiroshi Lokheymer (Hiroshi Lockheimer) said in a Twitter-account, now on the market already have a large number Chromebook, he even bought a couple for their children (devices are popular in a number of educational institutions and often attract the end-user low price):

Given these statements, it can be assumed that Google still continue to work on Chrome OS, but wants to attract manufacturers to build notebook and with Android inside. Suppose now it seems a little strange, some hint of such gadgets we’ve seen from Google itself in the face of Pixel C. Yes, now it is a tablet with a keyboard dock, but the form factor and “productive” accessory hint that the search giant is getting crowded on the mobile market, which has belonged to him for more than 80%. Apparently, the company decided to try his hand in the field and laptops. How much it will be able to accommodate this Android or any other product we can find, according to sources, in the next year.


Media: Google Android and will combine Chrome OS – BBC News

Google intends in the future to abandon support of two operating systems – Android and Chrome OS. According to The Wall Street Journal, a single Operating System, representing a the Android “built» Chrome OS, will appear in 2017.

Two sources told the publication that for the past two years, Google programmer working on, to integrate Android and Chrome OS, and has already achieved some success. Already in the next year may be issued a preliminary version of the new OSes.

While Android is the most popular mobile operating system, and installed on the 1.4 billion devices, laptops and desktops with Chrome OS occupy only 3% of the world market personal computers, this year their sales are estimated to reach 7.9 million units. The decision to combine OSes shows that Google is not particularly in need of a separate “desktop” system.

According to the agency Re / code, Google is going in the future, together with companies, PC manufacturers to start developing notebook and desktop systems running on Android. This brings to mind surprised many at the launch in late September, “the tablet to work» Pixel C. The device is easy with the special keyboard was developed by the same team as the “premium” series Chromebook Pixel, but it runs on Android.

Do not refuting media reports directly to Google nevertheless insist that in the foreseeable future, Chrome OS is not in danger – the company will continue to maintain and develop it. Representatives of the search engine they say they are satisfied with the growing popularity of Chrome-devices. Sources of The Wall Street Journal also reported that the project will not be closed completely, Chrome OS support will continue, and manufacturers can continue to produce “Chromebook”. However, the focus in this case will move to Android-PC.

According to the newspaper, in Google want on Android worked as many different devices, not just smartphones and tablets, and set-top boxes, TVs, entertainment systems in motor vehicles etc. Of course, the company would like to add here and PC.

On the PC of the future “combined” version of Android, sources said publication, users can install applications from the store Play Market. The company will try to convince developers to create programs such as universal, operating in various embodiments, on any device – from smartphones and “smart” watches to laptops. A similar approach seeks to use Microsoft in Windows 10.

Sources: The Wall Street Journal, Re / code, The Verge


Thursday, October 29, 2015

Samsung has introduced a large Android-tablet – Russian newspaper

Samsung has officially unveiled one of the biggest in the world of tablet computers. The device was named Galaxy View, the size of the diagonal of its screen is 18.4 inches, and weight – 2.65 kg. For the convenience of carrying a tablet equipped with a special pen.

See also

The device is aimed not at those who enjoy mobility. With the weight and size of Galaxy View can be useful for business and home users.

It was expected that by its characteristics the device will be among the top or the flagship, but TTX Galaxy View can not be called outstanding.

So, the new tablet Samsung has a 18.4-inch display with a resolution of 1920×1080 pixels FullHD, like many mid-priced smartphones. RAM – two gigabytes, and it is also average. Are standard and built-in memory – 32 or 64 gigabytes, which can be expanded with cards microSD.

The main camera does not have a tablet – it’s quite an educated decision. Capturing the help of a “spade” still no one will, so that the meaning of an expensive camera module no. Samsung engineers have left only the front camera with a resolution of 2.1 megapixels – for self and video it is more than enough.

Large tablet Samsung – steep competitor Apple iPad Pro for significantly less money

What As for the battery, its capacity, which is 2700 mAh (about twice as much as the average smartphone), enough to watch a movie without interruption for eight hours. So, anyway, they say in the corporation. Due to the special shape of the stand Galaxy View can be set in two positions – vertical and almost “half upright.” The first choice for viewing movies and communication in Skype, the second is considered to be working.

Managed by the novelty of the operating system Android, like most tablet Samsung. It can also be present LTE cellular module, however, such a model would be more expensive. Official Galaxy View the price has not yet announced, but judging by leakage from sellers novelties base version without LTE-permanent memory of 32 gigabytes will cost $ 600.

See also

Large plates can not be called a mass product, their customers – mostly businessmen. Samsung Galaxy View was fine for them, but it has a serious competitor. Of course, this tablet production of Apple – iPad Pro c 12,9-inch screen and a resolution of approximately two times higher than the novelty Samsung.

is present in the iPad Pro, and both chambers, as 8-megapixel main and 1.2-megapixel front. Photographing them is hardly convenient, and “extra” camera module increases the cost of production, but users of apple products – people are demanding and do not tolerate compromise.

His other characteristics can also be attributed to the top-end. For example, Apple A9X latest processor and four gigabytes of RAM. As accessories you can purchase touch the Pen and Case keyboard – Samsung no such offers (although the keyboard for tablets produces plenty of Chinese manufacturers).

As for battery life, it is about 10 hours online -serfinga. This mode is rather “greedy”.

Price iPad Pro bite – $ 800 for the base version with 32 gigabytes of memory and without the module LTE. Then you need to decide to spend more money on a powerful device, or to compromise. Sales have not started yet, so there is time.

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Hits vulnerabilities in Android – Computerra-line


This year has been particularly fruitful on critical errors in key components of operating systems and popular applications. Many of them are still relevant, endangering millions of users of obsolete devices, which have not been delivered to the upgrade. In this article we consider the basic vulnerability of the operating system Android, and then describe how to detect them by the user.

Each vulnerability does a security breach, giving the attacker the ability to bypass traditional protection. The digital signature applications, reputational model resident antivirus monitor – all this is useless if you are using the exploit. Take a look, for example, to demonstrate the use of vulnerability Stagefright.

The main vector of attack have now become all kinds of mobile devices. Smartphones, tablets, PHABLET, Chromebook and other interesting gadgets attackers for several reasons:

  • most of the time they are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or the mobile network operator;
  • a powerful multi-core configuration and permanent access platforms make them ideal for mining Bitcoins, DDoS-attacks and other actions as part of a botnet;
  • the user does not leave them, so they collect the maximum possible amount of personal data;
  • All collected data is stored in the files of known types of routes and associated with one account;
  • to make full use of the gadget you want to register your account by cracking that can access the user data in multiple services;
  • is often tied to the account bank card and confirmation of all transactions with them comes to the same (hacked) device.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation estimates the total loss for last year of fraud with bank accounts in the amount of 3.5 billion rubles. Most of the incidents occurred with the use of Trojans for mobile OS, designed to steal payment data or simulated banking transactions on behalf of the user. According to “Kaspersky Lab” in 2014 the number increased to nine times. Preliminary assessment of the outcome of 2015 demonstrates the continuing growth in the number of such incidents.


Most occur in the wild Trojans for mobile operating systems are rather primitive . They are distributed by social engineering masquerading update anti-virus software or popular programs – for example, flash-player. Infection occurs exclusively by them because of the incompetence of the users themselves. However, there is another class of malicious software, the implementation of which is automatic. Using the known gap or zero-day vulnerabilities, they penetrate into the hidden system and intercept control over it.

Each discovered vulnerability is fixed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. While studying she gets her room at the base of MITRE (SVE- *). After the release of the patch all the details about it becoming public. The problem is that many of the vulnerabilities described in detail and continue to use after the release of patches – simply because the developers do not have the ability to quickly deliver them to all devices at once. If a vulnerability is detected in the components of the nucleus, or the popular libraries, it affects several operating systems.

 & # x420; & # x430; & # x437; & # x432; & # x438; & # x442; & # x438; & # x435; & # x43C; & # x43E; & # x431; & # x438; & # x43B; & # x44C; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x445; & # x41E; & # x421 ;.

The development of mobile operating systems.

This problem is especially acute for the operating system Android, on which each manufacturer creates their unique assembly – with firm shell and stuffed with integrated applications. Hardware platform in each case can also be anyone why Google rushed to patch holes only in their own series of Nexus devices with “bare by Android.” In total there are 138 based vulnerabilities.

 & # x424; & # x440; & # x430; & # x433; & # x43C; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x442; & # x441; & # x43F; & # x438; & # x441; & # x43A; & # x430; & # x438; & # x437; & # x432; & # x435; & # x441; & # x442; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x445; & # x443; & # x44F; & # x437; & # x432; & # x438; & # x43C; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x442; & # x435; & # x439; & # x432; & # x41E; & # x421; Android (& # x441; & # x43A; & # x440; & # x438; & # x43D; & # x448; & # x43E; & # x442 ;: cvedetails .com).

A fragment of a list of known vulnerabilities in the operating system Android (screenshot: .

According to IDC the share of Android OS in the second quarter of 2015 was 82.8%. Since 2011 the most popular mobile OSes, and therefore it is more likely to attack. Quick release of new versions of packages corrections slightly improved the situation. After the presentation of the new firmware on the telemetry data Google continue to dominate for a long time old.

 & # x422; & # x435; & # x43A; & # x443; & # x449; & # x430; & # x44F; & # x434; & # x43E; & # x43B; & # x44F ; & # x432; & # x435; & # x440; & # x441; & # x438; & # x439; & # x41E; & # x421; Android (& # x438; & # x437; & # x43E; & # x431 ; & # x440; & # x430; & # x436; & # x435; & # x43D; & # x438; & # x435 ;:

Current portion OS versions Android (Image: .

Monitoring Online AppBrain SDK shows that among the developers of applications for Android dominates v.4.4 (KitKat) with an index of 41.2%. It was introduced two years ago – in October 2013. The total share of the previous versions 4.1 – 4.3 (Jelly Bean) takes a little less than a third. More recent versions 5.0-5.1 (Lollipop) is installed only on the fifth of the devices, and the newest – 6.0 (Marshmallow) and all units are used (0,2%).

 & # x41F; & # x43E ; & # x43F; & # x443; & # x43B; & # x44F; & # x440; & # x43D; & # x43E; & # x441; & # x442; & # x44C; Android SDK & # x440; & # x430 ; & # x437; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x445; & # x432; & # x435; & # x440; & # x441; & # x438; & # x439; (& # x43F; & # x43E; & # x434; & # x430; & # x43D; & # x43D; & # x44B; & # x43C;

The popularity of Android SDK different versions (according

Now, you can select eight vulnerabilities that continue to operate actively in the attacks on the operating system Android:

  1. Heartbleed (CVE-2014-0160, OpenSSL). About her we wrote at length in several articles;
  2. Stagefright (CVE-2015-1538, CVE-2015-1539, CVE-2015-3824, CVE-2015-3826, CVE-2015-3827, CVE-2015-3828 and CVE-2015-3829 ). This series of vulnerabilities in the multimedia-engine has recently become even more urgent.
  3. Shellshock or Bashdoor (CVE-2014-6271). The shell and the parser of CGI-scripts Bash performs without checking commands embedded in the definition of the function. This issue was also discussed in detail earlier.

The following vulnerabilities affect mostly older devices (with Android 2.x), but in some cases can be used on newer firmware with Android 4.x.

  1. Serialization (CVE-2015-3825) – the class certificates remain vulnerable OpenSSL X509;
  2. Futex / TowelRoot (CVE-2014-3153) – an error in the subsystem implementation of semaphores and mutexes;
  3. Keystore buffer (CVE-2014-3100) – a buffer overflow in the function encode_key Android 4.3;
  4. Fake ID (Google bug 13678484) – incorrect certificate chain verification applications in the Android v.2.1 – 4.4.
  5. Master Key (CVE-2013-4787) – an error in the validation of the system components on the Android APK under 4.2.1;

From the means of identifying vulnerabilities, we selected a few free applications from the official store Google Play. Each of them has been tested on smart phones with different versions of the OS Android. The results of our research and expert commentary please read the following article.

See also


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Voice Command Hey Cortana assistant in version for Android was practically useless – 3DNews

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Apple Music for Android: published the first screenshots of the application – 3DNews

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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Experts told what smartphones will get Android 6.0 Marshmallow – Russian newspaper

The site TechRadar has published a list of smartphones that will receive the operating system upgrade to the latest version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow.

Currently, Google already started sending “zephyr” Android smartphone owners to their branded series of Nexus. This is the Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 (2013), Nexus 9, Nexus Player and devices Android One.

Among the Samsung smartphones update will receive Samsung Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, Note 5, Galaxy S6 Edge + and alaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Alpha.

Also, can wait for the update owners of Motorola Moto X Pure / Style, Moto X Play, Moto G (2 and 3 generations), Moto X (2014), Moto Turbo , Moto Maxx, Droid Turbo and the Droid Maxx.

Among the users of HTC smartphones the arrival Marshmallow can expect the owners of HTC One M9 +, HTC One E9, HTC One ME, HTC One E8, HTC One M8 EYE, HTC Butterfly 3, HTC Desire 826, HTC Desire 820 and HTC Desire 816. The approximate yield of the update will be held in December this year.

See also

In the line of Sony update should come to the model Xperia Z5, Xperia Z5 Compact, Xperia Z5 Premium, Sony Xperia Z3 +, Sony Xperia Z3, Sony Xperia Z3 Compact, Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet, Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact, as well as the Xperia Z2, Xperia Z2 Tablet, Xperia M5, Xperia C5 Ultra , Xperia M4 Aqua and Xperia C4.

As for the smartphone LG, the Android 6.0 will be released for models G3 and G4, and presumably – for the LG G Flex 2 and LG G4c. Other models still in question.

Owners OnePlus devices can rely on the operating system upgrade, but not very soon, according to TechRadar. Competing smartphones Huawei P8, Huawei P8 Max and Honor 4X included in the number of models that will be updated with high probability. Also new Android can be installed on the ZTE Blade S6.

The line is expected to update the output Asus models Zenfone 6, Zenfone 5, Zenfone Zenfone 4 and 2.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Online lit screenshots Apple Music for Android – Ferra

The profile German resource published a selection of screenshots of the forthcoming Apple Music applications for devices based on operating system Android.

Recall that Apple Music service was announced, Apple promised to release immediately the client for Android, but the exact timing is not called then, confining vague “in the fall.” For iOS app Apple Music came June 30 with the release of iOS version 8.4.

According to sources, the main difference between the versions of the Apple Music for iOS and Android is connected with a free trial period of three months, available to users of devices Apple. Android users will be deprived of such a privilege. The price will remain the same – 9.99 US dollars per month or a family tariff, which allows to record up to six family members for 14.99 US dollars a month.
