PARIS, September 25. /Offset. TASS Mikhail Timofeev/. The passion of the developers at Google to sweets have long known – they who year in a row they give created operating systems platform “Android” “sweet” name. So this is the origin of the code names Cupcake (cupcake), Donut (donut), Eclair (Eclair), Froyo (frozen yogurt), Gingerbread (gingerbread).
they were followed by Honeycomb (honey cookies), Ice Cream Sandwich (ice cream wafers), Jelly Bean (candy “jelly beans”), KitKat (chocolate bars), Lollipop (Lollipop) and Marshmallow (marshmallow).
Montélimar never sleeps
But when in 2016 it came down to the last new – Nougat (nougat), the situation has changed qualitatively. Yuzhnofrantsuzskom located in the Drôme Department of the city of Bordeaux, world capital of the confection made of flour, sugar, honey and roasted nuts, could not pass by such event.
Montelimar nougat differs significantly from the rest of the nougat, produced in France, Spain and Italy, primarily for its fine taste and quality. Technology it perfected to the details – the time it was, given that the original recipe apparently brought on the Mediterranean coast, the future of France by the ancient Greeks. Which, apparently, themselves borrowed it in some form in the middle East.
Sweet talks
Knowing now that the highly respected French nougat moved to the digital world of mobile devices will be what is called “the language of” millions of mobile phone users, the city of Lille decided not to miss such a unique opportunity. The negotiations on the subject with a giant a California Corporation, was carried on all summer. Periodically, montelimart “podkladyval” your message boxes with nougat.
as a result, an agreement was reached with Google on the important joint event: in gratitude for the use of the name “nougat” Corporation of mountain view gave the town of Montélimar, the big monument – their signature green robot-the Android, holding a huge pack of Montelimar nougat with green pistachio nuts. The sight of the robot pointed to a bright future.
Height is made of green plastic, one of the Top two meters. The weight of the entire monument, now located on the square at the city hall of Montelimar – 110 kg.
Collaboration is growing
Addressing the ceremony, mayor Frank Reina expressed the hope that relations between Google and the city will develop in the future. And it was not empty words. In the city there was Google which was spent with local merchants seminars on how to better use digital technologies for advertising and marketing their products.
Also, the Corporation ordered a large batch of the best nougat, which will distribute the event of its new operating program, which started this summer. In particular, firm Nougat-Chabert et Guillot produced on special order batch of 4500 Androids nougat. Previously, the robot already received the opportunity to appear before the user and in the form of a cookie, and Eclair.