Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Android 5.0 Lollipop against iOS 8: where the world is heading – CNews.ru


Both Apple and Google proanonsirovat update their systems in June. Of course, the more repercussions iOS 8 functions Continuity and Handoff, support for widgets, a new design standard messenger and announcing that it is now in the App Store will appear side of the keyboard.

The conference Google I / O

In this case, it was obvious changes between Android 4.4 KitKat and Android 5.0 Lollipop (Android L, as it was called at first) is much larger than that between 7 and iOS iOS 8: for example, more in the spring of 2014, rumors about what Google is actively promoting a single flat design.

Conference Apple WWDC

Home Apple revolution took place in 2013: users quickly adopted the seventh version of iOS, and Now iPhone with iOS 6 on board seems an anachronism. Such a smooth transition (especially given the dramatic changes in iOS 7) Google can only dream of.

Statistics on the version of Android on February 3

A good example – an update to Android 5.0, has turned into outright tent. First, the release date for the Nexus family a couple of times transferred (not as GTA V for the PC, but also frustrating).

Statistics on the iOS version of February 18

Second, the first update only the device without slots SIM- cards – have problems with the software. And only after permission of the many nuances began a massive change in the KitKat Lollipop. As a result, the share of Android 5.0, compared with a share of iOS 8 (a one-time update of all the gadgets in September) looks truly negligible.

Of course, the leaders of 2015 will come with a new Android, but it is not much impact on the current picture.

Recent trends

Notifications on the locked screen

Fans Android couple of years were outraged that Apple is copying the best features of the operating system from Google: As a rule, such claims accompanied by a mention of Steve Jobs, without which the company “is not the same.” At the end of 2014, users iOS came back argument in Android 5.0 lock the screen finally ceased to fulfill the role of monotonous hours.

New Lock Screen Android

Now, under these clocks are located notifications which can be either viewed or open (for the subsequent response message, for example). Naturally, Apple gestures are not repeated here: in iOS for any action with the notice provided swipe, then Android is useful for this purpose the double tap.


The history of small labels with instant functionality extends even to 2009, when Samsung has launched a line of budget tachfonov with dialer (calculators, weather forecasts and so etc.), who worked with the main screen. At the same time widgets to emerge as one of the main elements of Android: from early versions to stick to the screen a beautiful watch or decorate your desktop useful menu for quick on / off wireless modules. In iOS widgets work a little differently: it is logical, because imagine the hours of occupying two rows of icons, in a well-thought-out design of Cupertino impossible.

Widgets in iOS

So, iOS-widgets are hidden in the menu notifications – where they are shown a list, and functionality given by the developer (one of the first Russian developer – the company which is engaged in applications for the site Sports.ru: in their widget from the result of a football match, you can go directly to the statistics). On the one hand, the decision to hide the widgets in the top panel looks elegant. On the other – many users avoid this function, while continuing to press the old conventional desktop icons.


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