12:35, 59370 views The Minister of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikiforov made an interesting statement of support for independent systems. We are talking about Tizen, which develops the Korean Samsung, American Intel and other companies, as well as the Sailfish from the Finnish Jolla. According to the Minister, under these OS developers are waiting for grants.
Recently, Nikolai Nikiforov demonstrated smartphone operating system Tizen, Samsung Z1, and expressed his enthusiasm “de-monopolization of the global IT-ecosystems”. On reasonable remark about the lack of software, Nikiforov said that conditions will be created to promote independent mobile OS. Unexpected statement by the Minister immediately caused heated discussion in the network.
Thus, developers will be required to carry their products, in fact, only two smartphones: Jolla and Samsung Z1, as well as tablet Jolla, which has not even gone on sale.
An interesting point: despite the statement by the representative of Samsung that smartphones Tizen will be available in Russia only for corporate users, Nikolai Nikiforov assured that the devices on the two systems will soon be mass marketed in Russia. By the way, the first is already sold.
It is known that Nikolai Nikiforov extremely wary of closed operating systems. In July 2014 he even Apple turned to a proposal to open the source code of iOS , that Russian experts could examine the software for the presence in it of hidden features.
« The revelations Edward Snowden in 2013 and public statements of US intelligence on strengthening surveillance of Russia in 2014 seriously raised the question of trust foreign software and hardware , – said at the time, Nikolai Nikiforov. – It is clear that those companies that disclose the source code of their programs, do not hide anything, but those who do not intend to cooperate with Russia on this issue may have undeclared capabilities in their products ».
The opinion about Android, the source code is available to anyone who wishes, the Minister has not changed, but also noted that the situation with the closed system will only get worse:
The opinion of the closeness Android agree and market players. Despite the positioning of the Android OS as an “open», Google enters more and more requirements for manufacturers. So, the company under normal conditions forces the firm to set the default application and arrange them, as well as the search string, the first screen in exchange for access to the search engine, YouTube and its app store. P ukovoditel Cyanogen Kirt McMaster (Kirt McMaster) recently spoke about plans to make CyanogenMod independent from Google, which prompted Microsoft to become a minority investor developers of the most popular alternative firmware Android.

Alexander Gorodnikov, ht_news@corp.mail.ru
All materials of the author
Source: Twitter (nnikiforov)
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