Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Popular Android-App was accused of espionage – Russian Newspaper

Most Popular Android-application Flash Keyboard collect personal data of its users and send them to the server in the different countries of the world. This “feature” keyboard, which the owners of gadgets installed on their devices more than 50 million times, experts have found Pentest Limited.

The application Flash Keyboard enhances the user experience by providing them with a large number of different stickers and emoji. However, when you install the security system applied by the user signal that the program requires for very much power. She asks for permission to use geolocation data, download files “without permission”, and requires access to photos and videos

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“The warning message stating that Flash can collect all the text that you type, including personal data like passwords and credit card – it’s just the specifics of the Android operating system and appears when any third party keyboard Use Flash keyboard the system and nothing to worry “-. so explain the emergence of Flash the keyboard developers warnings in the description of the program

and so. Still Pentest Limited experts say that after the application is installed on your smartphone, it will have to request the gadget status, use Bluetooth, stop system processes, change settings, and so forth. it turned out that the “harmless” keyboard collects data about the user and transmits them on servers that are located in China, the United States and the Netherlands. She gets everything. All the data on the smartphone, its software, personal information (e-mail, on social networking passwords), as well as geo-location information

Thus, even an ordinary keyboard can encroach on your personal data and moreover, successfully collect them and send “where necessary”. Appendix briefly removed from Google Play, possibly in connection with the information pops up, but then it reappeared in the public domain. Recall that in the digital store Flash Keyboard ranks 11th in the ranking of popularity

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