Sunday, August 7, 2016

Android-device strikes “elusive” Trojan – BBC News

The research firm Lookout has found on the new Android-smartphone Trojan Shuanet, from which it is practically impossible to get rid of standard methods. Once on the device, the virus not only displays ads but also gets the administrative rights that allow him to get around the key Android security mechanisms and penetrate deep into the system.

Rooted in the Android-smartphone, Shuanet moves the infected application on the system partition that allows him to “survive” even in the case of a reset device to factory settings. So, to get rid of a Trojan, it is necessary to install a file manager with root-access, find and manually delete the infected program. “For ordinary people are infected Shedun, Shuanet or ShiftyBug could mean a hike in store for the purchase of a new phone,” – wrote in Lookout

The experts shared the new virus into three types:. Shedun, Shuanet and ShiftyBug, each of which somehow gains access to the system files. Attackers download APK-files of popular programs from Google Play, inserted into their malicious code, and then placed in the third-party stores and repositories under the guise of official applications.

The Lookout noted that the Trojan masquerades as 20 thousand popular programs, such as Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp and Twitter. The largest number of infections had on users from the United States, Germany, Iran, Russia, India, Jamaica, Sudan, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia. Exactly how many devices have been affected, not specified

Samples of the virus in the official Google Play store was not found -. Shuanet infects only smartphones that have enabled software installation from alternative sources. To protect your Android-powered device, it is recommended to disable this feature. To do this, go to “Settings” → “Security” and uncheck the checkbox next to “Unknown sources”

Source:. Blog Lookout


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