CyanogenMod – one of the most popular third-party firmware on Android. Today, it depends on Google, but soon this may change, says CEO Cyanogen Inc. Kirt McMaster (Kirt McMaster).
At the conference «Next Phase of Android» San Francisco McMaster said that his company wants to make its firmware is fully independent from Google, to allow third-party companies to access any of the components system. « We are trying to take away from Android Google », – he said. For this purpose, will be released this version of Android, which will be fully open, and the partners will be able to create on its basis highly integrated services. With the new system it will be possible to do what is impossible now with Android because of control by Google.
« We are working on a more open version of Android, to integrate more partners that their services were on the ground layer to startups working in the field of artificial intelligence and other areas, are not faced with a problem when you do a silly little app and then buy it Google or Apple. Such companies can thrive on “neguglovskom» Android », – said McMaster.
As an example, he cited the Google Now: It runs as a third-party applications can not, integrated into most root components system. According to him, the same option may appear in the launcher Aviate, if he wants to work with Cyanogen.
Chapter Cyanogen Kirt McMaster (left)
As this look Google? Of course, negative, why Cyanogen and wants to get rid of her control. « Today Cyanogen has some dependence on Google, but it will not be tomorrow. After 3-5 years, we will no longer certain derivative from Google », – explains the head of the company.
Examples of successful” liberation “by Google is, at least a little. One of them – Amazon. However, most “forks» Android can not compete with the power of Google. To solve this goal Cyanogen plans to work closely with partners and support the various alternative app stores. McMaster also said that within 18 months Cyanogen will open its own application store.
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