Saturday, February 22, 2014

Moscow authorities have issued 24 mobile applications for Windows, Android and iPhone -

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Metropolitan Government, through its Department of Information Technology (DIT) has published mobile applications created by independent developers on the basis of publicly available data sets in Moscow.

interesting distribution of published applications on mobile platforms DIT: 14 out of 24 programs designed for devices running operating system Windows Phone, 11 can be run on Android-powered devices, and only three have versions for iOS. According to “Euroset” in 2013 on the Windows Phone smartphones accounted for 6% of sales in terms of quantity versus 74% for Android and 9% for iOS.

explicit bias in favor of Windows Phone applications in the capital city can be attributed to the procedure to which resorted DIT, attracting independent developers.

To popularize its Unified Mobile Platform (EMP) DIT contests used to create applications that spent in 2013 of Microsoft («Moscow in the eyes of developers”, which began in April, results announced in June 2013) and Google (Moscow Apps Contest 2013, which began in July, the results published in October 2013).

All applications published on the website of the DIT, were the result of the participation of developers in these two contests, seven of them won prizes.

This handbook for motorists Moscow “Road Assistant”, a guide to pharmacies and health-care centers of the capital “Pharmacies Moscow”; application “No Barriers”, informing about the difficulties in the way of those who use the wheelchair and buggies, “Mamnadzor” with information about the antenatal, milk kitchens, children’s clinics, kindergartens, etc.; directory attractions “My Moscow”, Appendix “Check debts” to check outstanding fines traffic police and payment of Housing and Playbill “Theatre».

All applications use to access the array of open data API metropolitan Unified mobile platform was first launched back in 2012 This infrastructure education, on the basis of which should work all mobile services to all departments and agencies in Moscow.

platform includes unified communications center (SMS / USSD-communication), a single register of mobile services, single user database subscriptions and access rules to the resources of mobile services platforms, mobile payment interfaces, etc. First application built on top of EYP, was “Mobile Reception Moscow government».

Access to resources

EMP requires registration. Registered developers through the API is now available EYP fines traffic police check on a driver’s license, inspection charges for utilities payer code, etc. – a total of more than 250 data sets and more than 20 utility methods.

Also registered developers receive technical support, the ability to control the connected services through your personal account.


As stated in the DIT, the city is ready to participate in the promotion of products created as the use of open data portal and service-based EYP.

Access to data disclosed by the Moscow government, the developer can get and bypassing EMP requires registration by contacting the Open Data Portal. In this case, however, he will have to upload the data as files in CSV, while after registration they will be available in an array format JSON.

However, as they say in the DIT, in the long term and will be available to registered users to upload data in JSON format and XML.

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