«Yandex” has relaunched a mobile application for Android devices from Google, changing its name: it is now simply “Yandex”, and filled it with information about stoppers, posters and news. Russian search engine does not lose hope to restore the position in the mobile platform Android, where its share in the second quarter was 39%.
«Yandex” has announced an update to the search application Android: it is now not only search, but also a “single point of access” to the service “Yandex” for mobile users. On one page, you can find maps, traffic information, weather, get acquainted with the exchange rates, read news, find the nearest restaurant, ATM or store. It changed the name of the application: “Yandeks.Poisk” became simply “by Yandex”. “In addition to the classic” Yandex “search engine with arrow, news, traffic and weather, new group of assistants: transport, maps, poster, TV, economics, – said the head of the search direction” Yandex “Roman Chernin.- In the future we plan to develop and complement these groups depending on the context, personal preferences and a surge of interest ».
The first version of the search application” Yandex “for the operating system (OS) Android appeared in late 2011. Now his weekly audience of more than 3 million people – in the last year it doubled, specify in the “Yandex”. More than 1 million people run applications every day.
Android – the leading mobile operating system, which accounts for more than 84% of sales of all devices in the world and 86% – in Russia, previously estimated ” Yandex “. The popularity of Android devices is growing. Last year, Google’s share has increased by about 6 p. P. In the Russian search market, while “Yandex” has lost about 3 p. P., Said in a report Raiffeisen Centrobank. In July, according to LiveInternet, the share of “Yandex” in the search market was 50,2%, Google – 41,2%. The share of the Russian search engine on devices with Android in the second quarter of 2015 decreased to 39%, while in January-March this year was 42%.
The importance of restarting the search Apps for Android and Mobile priorities “Yandex” company managers said on a conference call with analysts and investors on 30 July. “As mobile (resheniy.- ” b “), our priority – our own products, especially our browser that we develop for all platforms, including mobile, focusing on Android. Our other investments aimed at search application, which we plan to soon rumblings and maintain online marketing in Russia, “- shared his plans, general director of” Yandex “in Russian Alexander Shulgin.
« Yandex “updated to Android in the midst of the conflict with Google. In February, the Russian company has asked the FAS to understand why Android imposes its services to manufacturers of smartphones and tablets. Soon FAS initiated a case against Google on the grounds of violation of the antimonopoly legislation in promoting its services for devices on Android. The next meeting on this case is scheduled for September 4.
FAS opened a case against Google after the application “Yandex»
FAS in February filed a check against the company Google, said Igor Artemyev, head of service in the government hour in the State Duma. “We are always excited and excites a lot of such cases against different companies. That’s the last thing that we initiated just today – the case against Google, a very famous company, “- he told MPs. FAS representative Daria Silkova confirmed the statement of Mr. Artemyev. Google for comment failed, “Yandex” declined to comment. Read more

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