Monday, April 7, 2014

By Android came to the rescue - Kommersant. Trade secret

in Russia for the first time in several years stopped the growth of revenue from sales of smartphones based on operating system Android. In the first quarter Android’s share remained at the 2013 level (66%), while the Apple iPhone with its already controls 27% of revenue compared to 19% a year earlier. However, in quantitative terms, Android smartphones are still out of competition, taking 80% of the Russian market.

In the first quarter of 2014 the growth of the share of sales of smartphones based on Google’s Android OS in terms of money, which was observed for several years running, stopped, told “Kommersant” in “Euroset”. This was facilitated by the increase in volume and revenue from legitimate Apple iPhone sales in Russia and the rise of smartphones offers second-tier brands in budget price segment, says executive vice president “Euroset” Victor Lukanin.

In January-March 2011, the share of Android devices in the revenue was only 20% for iOS – only 15%, and the largest market share – 51% – held devices based on OS Symbian. In the first quarter of 2013th balance of power among the operating systems has changed dramatically: the rapid growth of devices shown on Android, who took in revenues sellers have 66%, while iOS – 19% for Symbian – only 6%. But, according to “Euroset” in January-March this year iPhone has occupied 27% of the market in money, while sales of smartphones on Android remained the same – 66%.

just the first three months of 2014 in Russia sold about 5 million smartphones in the amount of about 44 billion rubles., Estimated earlier, “The Messenger”. According to MTS, sales of smartphones for the period increased by 28% to 48.56 billion rubles.

In quantitative terms, Android-smartphones continue to lead their share from 18% in the first quarter of 2011 increased to 80% in January-March 2014, estimates “Euroset”. Those estimates – 80% in units and 66% in value in the first quarter – lead “The Messenger” and MTS. “The increase in sales of Android-smartphone in monetary terms in the first quarter of 2014 amounted to 26% over the previous period, a figure similar to the rate of growth of the smartphone market as a whole – draws attention representative” liaison “Maria Zaikina. – Sales of smartphones operating system from Google grow together with the market. ” According to her, despite the forecasts of dramatic fall in consumer activity, market growth continues. “January-March of 2014 is notable for the fact that 95% of all smartphones sold LTE-can work in Russian 4G-frequencies, whereas in the first quarter of 2013th of these devices was only 23%,” – said Mrs. Zaikina.

Also in the first quarter of 2014 reached a historic low average market price of a smartphone – 8.69 rubles., 26% lower than a year earlier, noted in MTS. Sales budget smartphones costing up to five thousand rubles. amounted to 42.8% of the number of devices sold, or 2.4 million units (up 19.7 percentage points higher than a year ago). Mobile devices are becoming more accessible to confirm “Euroset”: January-March, 9% of all smartphones sold in the market worth up to 2 thousand rubles. But the greatest increase in the proportion observed in the category of 2-4 thousand rubles.: 22% in quantity and 8% of revenue.

Choosing smartphone buyers prefer the most common mobile platforms willingly acquiring device B-brands, and without the presence of additional factors – special operator offers stimulating shares – in no hurry to migrate to unfamiliar OS , says Dmitry Solodovnikov MTS representative.

Roman Rozhkov-b

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