manufacturer of sporting goods and equipment Adidas introduced the “smart watch” of its own. The gadget is designed for those who are actively involved in fitness and sports, called miCoach Smart Run.
using wrist computer that is running Android, you can measure the pulse, mark the number of steps during walking or jogging, record exercise duration and distance. In addition, miCoach Smart Run can act as a music player.
Special software will offer to the owner gadget to slow down or speed up its training and will download information about training your internal network Adidas. The data is analyzed, then the user receives tips on optimizing sporting loads.
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This miCoach Smart Run able to operate in normal hours, when the information about the owner of the sports performance is going. Built-in rechargeable battery provides up to 14 days before recharging. “Sport” mode reduces this number to 8 or even 4:00. To download music (you can listen through the Bluetooth-headset) and store other data provided 3 gigabytes of memory.
cost miCoach Smart Run is $ 400. Online gadget will appear on November 1.
Recall that their “smart” clock also release Samsung and Sony, but both gadget oriented to working closely with the smartphone user – they display the information on-screen messages, missed calls and other data.
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