Saturday, April 27, 2013

Spring migration. How to switch from Android to iPhone - BBC News

Recently we published material about the benefits of Android-smartphone before the iPhone. However, among the people, “robots” is too many of those who, on the contrary, think about migrating to a competing operating system. Now try to figure out what is good gadget Apple.

If we do not take into account the flagships at a comparable price, iPhone ahead of the average Android-based smartphone in many ways. We refer to them Retina-display, build quality, materials, photosensor. A few days ago Apple removed the new promotional video, in which the main emphasis is on camera: “Every day on the iPhone is more pictures than any other camera.” Words of Statistics confirms Flickr. Five of the most popular cameras of hosting users looks like this (in descending order): iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 4, Canon EOS 5D Mk II, Canon EOS 7D.

Another important factor in favor of Apple – developed “ecosystem” and compatible products. Purchased from the iTunes movies, TV series, podcasts, music, applications, books, can be run at various i-devices, broadcast content via AirPlay; synchronize documents, contacts, calendar with iCloud storage, and more. If the home you already have a tablet iPad, a Mac, consoles, Apple TV, it can be assumed that the next step would be to buy iPhone.

In January, Google Play range of applications exceeded that of the App Store (800,000 vs. 775 + thousand). However, the quality of many programs for Android is poor, and there is always the chance of running into a virus. Unlike Google, Apple maintains over its own shop tight control and resorts to it only those programs that have passed strict censors.

iOS is not exposed to a strong fragmentation as Android. Having bought the iPhone / iPod / iPad, you can be sure that he promptly receive the latest firmware version. In addition, the novice master iOS much easier.

So, the advantages and disadvantages of each platform there. If the Android-based smartphone suddenly you did not like the, and you’re thinking about “moving” on the iPhone, here’s what you need to know.

• If you are migrating to another phone first thing is to take care of the transfer of the most important information – contacts. If you are using Android Sync Server (and in most cases it is), go to the “iPhone” Settings ? “Mail, addresses, calendars” ? click “Add …” ? select the desired service (for example, Microsoft Exchange or Google), and then enter the email address and password.

If all the contact information is stored locally, then first we need to move it to a removable SD-card (or internal drive them your phone does not support them). Open the “Contacts” on Android ? click on the icon with the third point in the lower-right corner, select “Import / Export”, and then – “Export to drive.” After a while, all the information about the contacts will be collected in a single VCF-file. Copy it to your PC, go to Gmail. Click the “Contact Us” (below the logo Google), and then – “Import Contacts …” (In the right column). Enter the path to the VCF-file on your hard drive and click “Import”. Now you can sync your contacts with your account Google, as shown in the first step.

• With the transfer of multimedia, everything is easier. Connect your Android-based smartphone to a PC as a removable storage device ? click “Explorer” (on Windows) or Finder (on OS X) ? go to the folder DCIM ? select photos, music and videos that you want to import. You can use the search over the device, if you want to save some JPG-or MP3-files of individual applications. Now you just “fill” all the information on the iPhone using iTunes, iTools or another manager.

It is important that the iPhone can only play video mp4/m4v. Unlike Android, it does not understand such popular video formats like avi, mkv, wmv, etc. Without giving the “jailbreak” and converting videos for a few hours, the problem can be solved by installing a third-party player such as AVPlayer for 99 rubles.

• iOS, the operating system for the iPhone, is subject to strict rules of Apple. Compared to Android, in the original version of the platform does not provide access to the file system does not allow the screen to make widgets, DO NOT install the system utilities, and any other program, except from the official App Store. This limitation can be overcome by making a “jailbreak” – that is soft to the procedure “hacking” firmware. On the pros and cons of this method (with accompanying instructions) we argued in another article.

• Android strongly “tied” to the services of Google. If you are used to them, then go to the iPhone is not difficult: the same Mail, Gmail, maps Maps, Google Drive storage and others have long been present in the App Store.

• For transferring data Facebook, files, Dropbox, notebooks Evernote, photos Instagram, ToDo-lists do not need to worry. “Cloud” services store all the information online and open access to it from any compatible device.

• Applications developed for Android, compatible with iOS. So, if you bought the program in Google Play, have to do it again. Memorize a list of installed software is not necessary. Just go to / store, move the mouse cursor to the “More” and click on “My Applications”. You will be shown a list of all the programs available on Android-smartphone, as well as those who were on it before. Now, open the App Store and search for analogues.

Reviews iOS-applications appear regularly on Vestyah.Haytek. Here are some of the latest:

• Freebies, come! Honest ways to free download iOS-application
• The pipe is calling! Review of the best alarm clocks for iPhone
• Non-routine search. Guide applications for the iPad and iPhone
• Everybody lies. Review of the best iOS-application by April 1
• Sunrise. Life in a calendar application

recommend beginners start reading from the article “iPhone for Newbies: Getting Started.” To keep abreast of the latest news and subscribe to our Twitter and pablik “VKontakte”.

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