Monday, April 25, 2016

Generation N. 10 facts about the new Android –

3D Touch

Formally recognize the forces pressing on the screen appeared in Android even earlier than iOS: one week before the presentation of the iPhone 6S Chinese company Huawei has released the flagship Mate S with function Force Touch (ClearForce). However, the developers themselves have difficulty understanding how you can apply this idea in practice, so all limited weighing of fruit and increase the photos from an album.

it is interesting that other Android-vendors are not supported trend: for example, Samsung and LG have left conventional screens for the top smartphone (maximum – curved). However, some exceptions still there: the Meizu recently showed the model Pro 6 with 5.2-inch display and support for 3D Press (same as the Touch).

Now, Google will add support for this technology in the drain version of Android. Function name – Launcher Shortcuts (probably not to be repeated), and it has already officially confirmed. It is known that the default option is to operate the menu and standard applications, but third-party developers will be able to implement it in their software as soon as Android N release

VR Mode

It should be expected.: VR mode appeared in the last test assembly Android N. to activate the function, you need to go through this path: Settings – Applications – Settings (icon at the top of the mechanism) – Special access – VR Helper Services.

in addition, Google has provided protection against overheating of the chip in virtual reality mode (very important, taking into account the carrying capacity of the regime).

Different authority notifications

Members messengers have long suffered from the fact that all the notifications the same status, and not to miss something important, you need to watch useless notification.

Thanks to the API Vulkan have alerts appear once six gradations of importance:

  • Blocked notice – never shown;
  • Minimum significance – pops up at the end of the list, without audio / vibration;
  • Low importance – pops up anywhere in the list (in order of the queue), sound and vibration there;
  • Moderate importance – added to the list in the order of the queue, there is a sound signal;
  • High importance – are marked on the list, there is a sound signal;
  • Emergency significance – goes to the first position in the list, stands out with a beep
  • It is also worth noting. function Quick Reply, which will allow to respond to the notice (as in iOS) right out of the blinds.

Full multiple windows

Perhaps the most powerful innovation of Android – mode, which allows you to change the size of windows and move them across the screen, overlaying. This program will work in the background (as in Windows)

It is reported that multiple windows is unstable and in need of substantial improvement, but we can not admit that. If Google makes it suitable for use, of iOS will be left behind, because MW that Apple is only available on tablets, and then only in a few stripped-down version.


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