August was not too generous with iconic news for Android, but on Google Play there were many updates, fundamentally changing the work has long been familiar with the program or expanding their capabilities. In a review of the major Android-application of August – a simple way to send directly from your smartphone huge files “moon prism” for photos, the best tool to capture an interesting shot, and much more. Besides, all this can be run using the classical stock launcher Google Start, which this month is now available on all smartphones with a version of Android 4.1 and above. But first things first.
smartphone manufacturers have long known problem of long access to the camera – yet get one unit of the pocket until razblokiruesh while running the appropriate application navedesh and sharpness, interesting shot will be missed. The traditional solution already – start the camera from the lock screen, one more thing – Dedicated “fotoknopka.” But there is an even faster option that someone certainly seem more convenient than others – application Snapshot.
The program uses the accelerometer to determine the position in the smartphone space at the time of release. If the position is the same as in the settings (default – landscape orientation of the screen, the screen “looks” per user) – the camera is triggered. Many (but not all) Applications- “camera” will be able to run, even if you set the digital code to unlock the screen. Pro-version allows you to “bind” different applications (for example – one for the photo, and the other – for the video) to a different camera position in space.
For more information about the program can be found here. In Google Play Snapshot can be downloaded for free, but the possibility of a Pro-version will have to unlock via the built package.
In August, Google Play appeared application called Fragment allowing you to quickly add photos to interesting “prismatic” effects that give images of the original.
The application is available over a dozen different filtrov- “prisms”, transforming the selected area on the image. In addition to selecting distorting “lens”, the user can change the contrast of the selected areas to give the picture a more pronounced effect.
Over the areas located in the prism can be” fun “as your heart desires – move, flip, move and so on. In general, the application is very simple, fun and convenient. Using the software, you can for a few seconds to get something resembling a full conceptual art.
Fragment can be purchased on Google Play for 72 rubles – and the absence of the free version (even if only with limited functionality) – perhaps the main drawback programs.
Taking Videos in FullHD is no surprise, surprise it is necessary by the video – so it was fun. But what if you want to show shot anyone without shelling out the material on YouTube, even in private mode? Rescue application WeTransfer, a customer of the same name service for sending large files over the network (up to 10 GB).
First, it is beautifully realized. Second, the program explicitly aims to minimize the chain of actions required to send the file. All you need – to select files (or from anywhere in the Android select WeTransfer from the system menu “Share”), and to specify a mail address of the recipient. It will be sent an email with a link, in this case to create their own account on the service to download is not required. If you wish, download, you can pause and resume later from the same place.
The application is available for free download in Google Play.
Calc +
course if you use the calculator on your smartphone only from case to case you will most likely perfect staffing solution. But those who need to perform computations constantly (drag behind a laptop with Excel does not offer), a normal application “Calculator” can not hold. For them and created Calc +.
The developers have positioned your application as “user friendly” alternative. Friendliness begins with a pleasant appearance and modern interface, as well as the availability of plenty of opportunities to change the appearance of the program – different themes, fonts (from the “Gothic” to “digital” in the spirit of classic calculators) and colors.
But it is not only in appearance: Calc + and aims to make the process of computing, as well as work with their results, as comfortable as possible. For example, the result of each calculation is shown on a separate line, and the results can be used in the following calculations. In case of any typos entered number can be edited by clicking on it, you do not have to delete all button “Back” or “C”. Calculation history can be easily copied to any other application or share it via the built-in menu.
The application contains built-purchase, available for free download in Google Play.
Wunderlist 3
In August, renewed, perhaps the most powerful available on most platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Mac, Chrome) List Manager – Wunderlist. The next, the third version numbering, which users waited more than a year, brought a lot of improvements.
The most important thing – the program is now perfectly synchronizes lists” on the fly. ” At the very least, the situation “- Yes, I also added you to the list of buckwheat” Supermarket “- Do not know, have not seen, probably not synced again.” in our family no longer repeated.
In addition, Wunderlist 3 animated design, simplified editing lists and tasks, as well as added control with swipe. On what other functions appeared in the application can be found in our detailed material
The application Foursquare last month replaced not only the design and icon, but his very essence – is now “Chekina” is not there, they need to download a separate program, Swarm. And Foursquare has become a sort collectively compiled a guide to restaurants, businesses, services, attractions etc.
The developers explain that in the division of the application into two parts” guilty “by its users. Analytics data showed that the two groups of users employ Foursquare differently: some basically “Chekina” to receive badges and “merstvo”, while others are mainly looking for information about places, Chekina while neglecting. This service spodviglo owners create two separate applications to develop them independently of each other for different audiences.
Details about the new “people’s guide” on Foursquare, you can find on this page.
Download Foursquare app can be on Google Play Free.
Finally, in August received the update to version 3 is one of the most popular fotoprilozheny for Android, VSCO Cam. The application will have access to the supervised administration of the service gallery of the best images, users can now subscribe to updates from the authors whose pictures they liked. True, the “likes” and comments in this elite “psevdoinstagrame” is not and is not planned. “VSCO Grid has never been and never will be devoted to the figures,” – said earlier this year, the head of Joel Flory, stressing the importance of VSCO as a platform for creativity and self-expression.
In VSCO Cam 3.0 offers advanced tools to adjust the exposure, contrast and temperature picture. Have the ability to quickly view the original and the edited image. The application for Android-powered smartphones updated interface, made some minor improvements “under the hood”. Thanks to them the program runs a little faster and “responsive” than the previous version.
Download VSCO Cam 3.0 may be on Google Play for free. The application has built-in shopping – “packages” of creative filters for photos.
Google Start
Now on system updates from the developers of Android. Launcher Google Now Launcher (“Google Home”), which serves to activate voice commands from the main screen, fast search and launch applications, became available in early August on any Android-smartphone, regardless of manufacturer. The only requirement to install it – firmware version 4.1 and above. Previously could only use shell holders “standard” devices in a series of Nexus.
installing a shell on the machine with the “normal” Android, users will get the same home screen, like the Nexus 5. right with him (saying aloud team “OK Google”), you can go online and to dictate SMS, change the wallpaper and flip through notice-cards, quickly launch applications and services Google – such as mail Gmail or YouTube.
In general, “Google Home” makes smartphones closer to the Nexus-models with “the drain” Android, changing the home screen and application list. However, if the manufacturer or service provider is modified notification center and multitasking menu, installed any of its add-ons – they will remain the same as they were. Here you can read more about the new product, and this link – free download in Google Play.
Multilingual Voice Search
Another innovation ecosystem Google, came to the rescue August – Multilanguage Voice Search. Now Android-smartphone will be able to recognize up to five languages. This will eliminate the problem faced by the majority of bilingual users – if you usually are looking for “a voice” in Russian, but then you need to find something in English, you have to change the settings, or perhaps just use traditional, non-voice search. Now, this inconvenience is eliminated, more can be read here.
These reviews applications come with us on a monthly basis. With this link you can see the best Android-applications for July.
Review Nicholas Belkin prepared with the participation of Oleg and Svyatoslav Ilyuhina Leontiev