The company “Doctor Web,” reported the discovery of a Trojan program Android.Valeriy.1.origin contained in seemingly trustworthy applications distributed through Google Play store.
To infect a smartphone or tablet is to install on he is one of the following applications:
– Battery Booster;
- Power Booster;
- Blue Color Puzzle;
- Blue And White;
- Battery Checker;
- Hard Jump -. Reborn 3D
Today, these applications disguised as games and service utilities, downloaded more than 15,500 people and managing the Trojan server contains information on more than 55 thousand units
<. p> Having infected mobile device, Android.Valeriy.1.origin tries to redirect the browser to a different questionable addresses where the owner of the gadget will try to find out the mobile number to place an expensive subscription.
“Among the services advertised Trojan can meet for example, offer to see the materials of erotic character, and download popular software that really is free and available for download on Google Play. Despite the fact that the information about the fact of subscription and its value is shown on the downloadable pages, many users it just did not notice, and include your phone number, “- experts say
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At the same time the trojan begins to track incoming SMS-messages. Should the victim to enter your room at one of the proposed sites, as it comes with the notification message subscription. Android.Valeriy.1.origin deletes these messages, and the user remains unaware that his account begin regularly charged substantial amounts.
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