In the event Google I / O search giant as expected, it has introduced a new version of the operating system Android. Like last year, while this preliminary announcement, since the platform will be available only in the autumn. Now a new version appears under the name of Android M, but the proper name is not yet known. It is expected that it will be either Macadamia Nut Cookie, or Muffin.
So, the new version will bring a lot of different improvements and optimizations. To list all the nuances of meaning there is – it is material for another article. But mention the most significant aspects worth.
- Google introduced the Android M «native” support for fingerprint readers and develop appropriate API. In principle, the manufacturers have for a long time costs on its own, but most likely, now they will be easier;
- Android M allows users to control third-party applications issued rights. If you now when you install the program, users can only agree with the terms of the developers, the new version of the operating system can be, for example, prohibit a particular application to access the phonebook or the camera apparatus;
- A new version of the operating system has been supported port USB Type-C. This will allow, for example, to manage “the direction” of the charge;
- Google once again promises to optimize the power consumption of the system. Against the background of the total drag huge screens with high resolution and monstrous single chip systems to optimize clearly not worth it to stop for a minute. As for Android M, smartphones, based on data from its sensors and sensors will determine that the machine for quite a long time, no one enjoys, and takes some of the device in economy mode;
- The new system will be a very useful feature Chrome Custom Tabs. Its essence lies in the fact that in the preparation of the “internal” reference in any application, it will not run in the browser, and in the application through “embedded” in a module Chrome, supports many features full-fledged browser, including AutoComplete. For example, if the client network twitter user comes a link, clicking on it will not lead to the curtailment of the client and launch a full-fledged browser Chrome. Instead, the client opens the “autonomous page Chrome» with all the standard capabilities of the browser. This will simplify and speed up applications;
- At the Android M search giant launches a new payment system Android Pay. It works similarly to similar competing solutions using NFC module and allowing the tie to account Android Pay cards. Of course, encryption is used, and the transmitted data do not contain information on the bank card. Well, just come in handy support for fingerprint readers;
- For many enthusiasts to be the most significant new feature is the built-in backup feature data. Auto Backup for Apps will store application data in Google Drive. This will include not only information about the application, and all the settings for each program. Each application will be assigned to 25 MB of storage in the cloud. By default, synchronization will occur once a day at no load and when connected via Wi-Fi;
- Google Maps, and YouTube will acquire the ability to work in the “offline”, ie without access to the Internet. Maps can provide the usual functionality, including voice commands and allow YouTube to download video for later viewing it. Rollers will be stored on the device 48 hours.
Among the other innovations may be noted the service Google Photos, which now provides free unlimited amount of storage for pictures (resolution up to 16 megapixel) and video (not a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels), the function Direct Share, simplifies the ability to share any content through a particular application, advanced audio volume control, the ability to install memory cards, both internal storage and support for screen resolution of 4K.
The owners of Nexus 5 smartphone, Nexus 6, 9 tablet Nexus and Nexus Player media player now have the opportunity to download and install the preview version of Android M Developer Preview, designed for developers.
Source: Cnet
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