Sunday, January 24, 2016

Outdoor and “free» Android has brought Google Inc. $ 31 billion – (Registration) (Blog)

« Free and open” operating system Android has brought Google Inc. $ 31 billion in revenues and $ 22 billion of income , became clear during the trial between Oracle Corp and Google , said Bloomberg.

Google insisted , revenue-earnings , disclosed at the hearing , should not be made public for everyone , but success is not achieved. Counsel Google says , that revenue from Android – this is a very sensitive data and public disclosure can have significant negative consequences for business Google.

Court between Google and Oracle lasts 5 years. In Oracle confident , that violated their rights to Java VM and hope to compensate for a billion dollars. And the higher the income of a proven Google , the greater the payout will apply Oracle. The corporation has repeatedly extended the claim and to include additional versions of Android , followed by their release of Google. Oracle , in particular , maintained , that Google illegally used the well-known on the Java VM taxonomy ( method names , class , Package) for work on their virtual machine for Android called Dalvik ( Google got rid of this car only in Android 5.0):

A US court has almost admitted cloning API crime

Oracle – is not the only side of the , is interested in disclosing Google’s revenue from Android. Google really may fear negative consequences in other courts. Potentially disclosed digit « $ 31 billion” will be able to use the courts and antitrust authorities in the EU and in Russia. And here and there Google prosecuted for anti-competitive practices with Android.

The Russian search engine has already been found guilty on the suit « Yandex “in the EU trial continues. In Russia, the fine ( if it is actually applied) can be calculated according to the turnover of Google in the market for app stores ( instead of the application , sold in Google Play) in Russia. Google disputes the decision of the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service in the court and the actual end of the story may take longer than a year , to 2017 , estimated to lawyers familiar with the terms of consideration of cases of this magnitude.

Delaying the process initially looked favorable for Google. Even a « the largest fine» ( and FAS have said , that will be appointed not “greatest”) was estimated at a maximum only in the hundreds of millions rubles. It’s a good price for the actual destruction of « Yandex” on the most popular mobile platform. According to some estimates the fine could even be an order of magnitude less – “tens of millions of rubles”, that is only a million dollars at the current exchange rate of the ruble against US cents.

The phrase « 31 billion dollars”, delivered in a US court , enters into the Russian proceedings against Google completely different scale for a potential fine.

 & # x411; & # x435; & # x441; & # x43F; & # x43B; & # x430; & # x442; & # x43D ; & # x44B; & # x439; Android

In addition to Russia and the European Union , a third jurisdiction , where Google’s business may be checked for violations of antitrust laws , is the United States. Verification does not mean , that the state government is required to be charged Google , as it did in Europe and Russia. The fourth jurisdiction – Turkey. In Russia, , the EU and the possible Turkish proceedings against Google were , are or will go with « Yandex».

Revenue in the “$ 31 billion” from Android – the second secret disclosed in the current series of court session with the participation of Google and Oracle.

It became known , that Google and Apple want to hide from the public the preset value of the contract for a Google search on the iPhone. Apple won from Google in 2014 to $ 1 billion. Companies share the revenue from the revenue Google’s mobile platform, Apple , while , one of them receives 34% of revenue; but exactly who gets a third of the , search engine or electronics manufacturer – is unknown.

Google was afraid , that the court issued a , how much the company is paying for a place in the iPhone

Android brings revenue Google , at least two ways: from advertising in the mobile Google search and proceeds from the mobile application store Google Play. The third way of earning in January 2014 revealed The Guardian. Sources told the newspaper that the « free and open operating system Google Android – in a sense, a myth.” For , to electronics factory could put on their devices Google Play store is required to buy a license for the so-called « Google Mobile Services » ( GMS) . 2 years ago, this , supposed , was worth 75 cents per unit ( Note: another party receives royalties for Android is Microsoft).

A month later, , in 2014 at the trial between Oracle and Google have been disclosed documents from agreements to Google and Samsung HTC dating from the year 2011. Paper should , that:

  • Vendors are required to pre-install on the device, all applications and Google services , included in the agreement and can not install only some of them. Google Search must search the default for the entire system;
  • Vendors can not develop their forks « open »OS Android and even more to offer developers its SDK on the basis of Android SDK;
  • Vendors must submit a monthly report to Google statistics of sales of devices on Android.

The publication of The Guardian received after confirmation hearing on the suit of the Russian FAS « Yandex”. Russian search engine believed , that its services are priced out of the electronics brands Fly , Explay and Prestigio , under pressure from Google’s manufacturers of these devices, , and confirmed that the antitrust agency of the Russian Federation in September 2015. The case of the Fly , Explay and Prestigio , probably , I was not the first case of application of a rigid policy of Google. So in 2012, Reuters reported , that Google threatened Acer «disconnecting from Android» to work with the mobile OS from Alibaba , and Acer to cancel out smartphone alternative development Google operating system.

In the period in question has changed and Russia electronics market:

Sellers and manufacturers Smart TV have lost interest in the marking « Inside Yandex” on the package and to Yandex.Market

Court between Google and Oracle teaches entrepreneurs outside observers at least two things. First , the use of patents to attack rich companies. Technically , as of 2010 , Oracle did not have time to participate in the development of Java VM , but only absorbed the developer of this technology – Sun Microsystems with its patent portfolio. Small tenure Java VM does not prevent Oracle to sue Google.

The second remarkable business practices came to light in the summer of 2012. The Court found , that technology companies use « proplachennyh bloggers” to create a mood favorable to them. As a result, the court had to issue an order demanding that the two companies to disclose the « bought their authors,” analysts , Bloggers , journalists and paid « commentators” messages on topics important to the court between Google and Oracle. Court ordered disclosure of « bought the authors’ only in a specific proceeding between the parties. Meanwhile, the first version of Google Android came not in 2012 , and a few years earlier , , and its owner , , unlike Java VM , Google Android did not change.

September 23, 2008 Google , HTC and mobile operator T-Mobile presented in New York on the phone « T-Mobile G1 » ( and « HTC G1», in the version without reference to the operator) – the first ever smartphone Google Android. A few years later , because of agreements between HTC and Google , revealed , that Google is not ready to develop and distribute « without commitment” its operating system to manufacturers of electronics. In terms of business initiatives Google’s position is valid , but for some reason, , from one year to four years, , from 2008 to 2012 , the media and bloggers wrote about the Google Android , as an” open “OSes , and the Google office in no hurry to correct them, and in those years , and corrects still , if not corrected media and electronics manufacturers.


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